Tips to Having a Smoke-Free Kitchen
October 7, 2015
How to Remove Smoke Stains From a Kitchen
November 24, 2015Restaurant kitchens can present a serious fire risk if the proper precautions aren’t taken. Here’s how to make sure that your restaurant’s kitchen is safe from fire risk.
How to Prevent Fires in Your Restaurant’s Kitchen
Restaurant kitchens are generally safe places. However, due to the industrial appliances and open flames, they are more susceptible to fires than regular home kitchens. Fires can be prevented if owners and staff know the correct precautions to take. To ensure that you never have a tragedy that could potentially cost you thousands of dollars or injure your staff or customers, here are some tips on how you can prevent fires in your restaurant’s kitchen.
Talk to the Professionals
Those who want to ensure that their kitchen is truly safe and has a low fire risk should consult professionals who specialize in fire suppression. These professionals will be able to check your existing equipment and install safety devices that can prevent fires from starting.
Train Your Staff to Be Safe
Many times, fires can begin due to staff members who were careless with equipment or when working with an open flame. The best way to prevent fires is by training your staff in fire safety. If you ever see a member of your staff doing something that could potentially cause a fire, talk to them right away to make sure that the behavior is corrected.
Make Safety a Priority
Smart restaurant owners know that safety needs to be their highest priority. A fire can be devastating for a restaurant. Follow these tips to make sure that your kitchen is a safe place for your staff to be and that your restaurant is a safe place for the general dining public.